What is Green Energy? Green energy is energy that is produced so that it has less of a negative impact on our environment than other energy sources that we use such as the fossil fuels of coal and oil. Greener types of energy that are used are solar, wind, hydro-electric, and geo-thermal.

Here are the top ten reasons to convert to "greener" energy.

Stop strip mining for coal. Strip mining for coal is an environmental travesty. Entire tops of mountains and surrounding countryside are left standing bare and naked because of strip mining.

Stop drilling for oil. If we we using more green energy we wouldn't have to drill for so much more, and all the danger that entails like exploding oil rigs and oil wells that leak millions of barrels of fuel oil into our oceans.

Stop spilling the oil. All the oil that is spilled in drilling and transportation is tremendously damaging to our oceans and shorelines. Also, oil spills kill numerous seabirds and other sea-life.

Stop buying oil from countries who hate us but like our money. This is geo-politics 101.

Stop burning coal to make electricity which causes severe air pollution
stop burning oil products (gasoline, jet fuel, diesel oil) for transportation purposes which creates poor air quality.

Using free wind power to create electricity is cheaper.

Using free sun power (solar energy) to create electricity is cheaper.

Using free hydro-electric and geo-thermal power to create electricity is cheaper.

Not using our limited planetary resources for transportation and lighting and heating is just better!

Click here for more information: http://www.reviewed-by-james.com, to learn more about alternative, green energy. Jim Hess is passionate about green energy and is an expert author regarding green alternative energy conversions. See his website at http://www.reviewed-by-james.com

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Green Energy Costs - What to Expect If You Want to Switch Your House Over to Green Energy!

By Kari Klein

If your goal is to do your part to help save our planet, then you can make sure you pitch in by finding out what the green energy costs and switching your home over to the type of energy that is natural and good for the earth. The best part is you can both help save the planet and you can save a ton of cash on your power bill as well. Here are the things you should know if you want to switch over to a green home.

First, you can do so with a contractor and it will be very quick and professionally done. There are green contractors that can install solar panels for you and help you get your power switched over. This can save you a ton of cash. The only downfall is using a professional is very expensive and could run as much as $20,000 in total.

Second, the green energy costs that you can save by doing this yourself will be significant. You can get a plan that will help you set up your entire system and you can do it for quite cheap. You would only need to put together a few solar panels and you can discover how to do this for about a $100 per panel and this can save you nearly 90% of your power bill each and every single month.

Last, getting the green energy you need for your home is not hard to do. It is an easy step by step plan that anybody can follow. If you can read and you can follow directions, then you can get the plans you need to set up you green home in a matter of a few days.

Stop paying high utility bills and start saving today. Get the Best DIY Green Energy Guide by Clicking Here!

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